
The objective of the alumni association is to support Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions (SSSEI consisting of SSSIHL & SSSHSS) in achieving their goals as envisioned by the Revered Founder Chancellor Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. By fostering a community dedicated to service and excellence, the alumni association shall be the part of the mission of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and contributes to various educational programs aligned with SSSEI’s vision and values.

The objectives of the Sri Sathya Sai Students – Alumni Association shall be:

    1. To support the Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions towards fulfillment of their objectives as set-forth by Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and SSSCT and to carry out such tasks that protect, preserve, and develop the Institutions.
    2. To institute studentships, scholarships, stipends, medals, prizes etc., to help and encourage deserving students and to provide monetary aid to students, scholars and faculty in pursuing their education and research.
    3. To institute endowments, academic chairs, travel support to faculty & students to attend international/national academic events, awards etc.
    4. To establish, support and maintain skill development centers, academic infrastructure, research facilities and centers of excellence at SSSIHL.
    5. To establish, support and maintain hostels for students and residential infrastructure for faculty.
    6. To establish, maintain, develop, and donate for the establishment, maintenance and development of book banks and libraries and online knowledge resources, and of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions.
    7. To organize, conduct and assist in the organizing and conduct of lectures, seminars and symposia on arts, sciences, commerce, sports & cultural events, and other subjects of general academic interest to students Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions.
    8. To work with SSSCT, SSSIHMS, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations (SSSSO) and Sri Sathya Sai Global Council (SSSGC) in furthering Sai Mission by improving the society and contribute to national.
    9. To assist by organizing educational programs for teaching crafts, engineering and similar vocational skills and industrial training including on-the-job training;
    10. To provide relief in times of natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, famines etc. in coordination with SSSCT, SSSSO, SSSIHL, SSSIHMS and SSSGC.
    11. To establish, run and aid free public reading rooms and libraries.
    12. To provide amenities for holding discourses, discussions and debates on Indian philosophy, culture and traditional practices.
    13. To establish innovation and incubation center at SSSIHL and ensure its smooth functioning. The purpose of this innovation and incubation center is to nurture the societally relevant innovations from SSSIHL and enhance the start-up eco-system to make these innovations available for the larger benefit of the society. The proceeds from the incubation center will further the Sri Sathya Sai Education System at SSSIHL.
    14. To provide internship and placement opportunities to students at SSSIHL.
    15. To enable and support various alumni service activities (rural, education and health), alumni meetings at Prasanthi Nilayam and/or any of the campuses of SSSIHL.
    16. To help needy alumni and their families.

The Association is empowered to take any action that is ancillary and incidental to achieving the listed objectives.

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