Message from Revered Founder Chancellor

STUDENTS! Embodiments of Love! Teachers and Patrons of Education!

Education lends beauty to man.

Education is man’s most precious wealth.

It confers happiness and renown on man.

When a man travels abroad, education stands by him like a kinsman. Education is adored by rulers, not wealth.

One without education is an animal.

The student today has to cultivate in this Kali age these qualities – Spirit of sacrifice, humility, the spirit of selfless service to society, friendliness, discipline, adherence to truth, nonviolence and faith in God.

Hallmarks of a true student:

One should stand out as a seeker of truth.

The student should practice the truths he has learnt and use them for the good of society.

Citizens may be interested in students’ problems, but students should not get involved in the citizens’ politics.

Students should aspire to promote the nation’s well-being, its security and happiness.

Selflessness, absence of egoism, unostentatious lifestyle and true love are the hallmarks of a true student.

Quality, not quantity:

What is the progress that has been achieved in education? Crores are being spent on education. What is the return on all this expenditure? There is a general decline in character and students have no respect for teachers; gratitude is at a discount. This is the “progress” that is witnessed today.

How can the nation progress? Everything depends on the young students of today. Education must not be confined to schools or colleges. It is a process that goes on all through one’s life.


Gratitude is the foremost quality in a student. Show your gratitude to your parents to whom you owe everything in your life.

Wherever you may go, remember your Institute and behave in a manner befitting its alumni. That is the gratitude you can show to the Institute. We do not want anything from you. Our only desire is that you should become ideal students. Only then will your studies here be justified and will you be making your lives worthwhile.

Eschew selfishness. Only the spirit of sacrifice can confer immortality.

I wish that you should go out into the world as ideal students and serve the nation well. Securing degrees is not enough. You have to make your knowledge available to others. This is the purpose of education. Remember God, love the nation and experience bliss. This should be your aim.

Convocation Discourse at Hill View Stadium on 22-11-1990.

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